Thursday 16 June 2011 4 easy tips for your craft shop: How to Reduce Craft Show Costs brings you: 4 easy tips for your craft shop: How to Reduce Craft Show Costs
You probably just started to present in art and craft market. There are so many of them in New Zealand, the main ones are in Auckland.
So you ask yourself: how do I reduce my costs, so I can generate a better income from my art and craft store.
I found that it is not always easy to reduce your costs. You can be creative with how you peel your art and craft show costs down, so let me help you with that. I figured that there are at least 4 main ways to trim down your costs, without sacrificing the quality of your art and craft, nor affecting the general sales.
Tip number 1: Buy your supplies in bulk - You do it for your foodstuff in order to save a few cents, so why not on your art and craft supplies? Think about it, if you are buying pipe cleaners for example, a paper for your origami craft or wood for your woodwork and you only need 10, it might cost you $5 - because you are paying for a single packaging and the convenience of only purchasing 10. However, if you bought 100 units instead of one, in a grey cardboard box - you might pay only $2 per unit. All of a sudden you have dropped your cost tremendously on each craft item that you create. So that's smart business tip- pinch pennies from your material cost.
Tip number 2: Use less frequent trips to your art shop. We all live in an instant satisfaction world. We already got used to idea that if we need something right now, we go and get it on the spot. There is no difference when you work on your creation and need a couple of supplies for you unfinished handmade work. You probably often take it for granted that there is fuel in the vehicle and that you can travel across town to your favourite craft store that sells your supplies. With the rising costs of fuel, it makes more sense to buy your art and craft supplies online and save your fuel costs. If you already going to drive to your art store, buy more items that you may need in the future for your craft projects. Step by step, you are going to save a great deal of time and money for your craft show business expenses bill.
Tip number 3: Reduce and reuse your craft materials and tools. You can reduce the amount of waste you create with your craft show items. By doing so you are going to cut down on the costs of producing your craft items for sale. In the same way, try to reuse some of the tools or art supplies that have previously gone unused. Be creative and save money- always find ways to make a little go a lot further. Remember, you can recycle, but do not sacrifice the quality for your arts and crafts projects.
Tip number 4: Plan your artwork. Think about the above tips to help you to make more money from your craft (online and offline) and get your craft show budget plan. Plan when and how much you are going to spend will help you to make to make good decisions and reduce your costs of producing your arts and crafts projects. Those who are not planning ahead buy less material, spend more money on travelling and they are very likely in the end to waste more supplies and pollute our environment. We all know that this is not the way to build your successful art and craft business.
Each dollar that you save when you are making your crafts is a dollar that is back in your back pocket. If you can reduce your costs by $1 for each craft, and you sell 1000 crafts, that is $1000 extra money in your hands. All of a sudden, reducing costs seems very important for your work.

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